Querying Twitalyzer using ShufflePoint


Twitalyzer is a service which provides access to current and historical Twitter and Klout metrics.


Setup at Twitalyzer an account which has API access. Get an API key and send it ShufflePoint support.

Running Queries

Get all Twitter users associated with account

  METRICS xx:identity ON COLUMNS
  DIMENSIONS tz:user, tz:recordUpdated ON ROWS

Get current metrics for a users

   METRICS tz:followers, tz:following, tz:updates ON COLUMNS
WHERE FILTER tz:user == "BarackObama"

Get 10 day trends for a user

   METRICS tz:followers, tz:following, tz:updates ON COLUMNS
   TIMEFRAME last10days
   FILTER tz:user == "BarackObama"

Available metrics

Name Description
tz:followers Number of Followers
tz:following Number of Following or Friends
tz:updates Number updates published in Twitter in the seven days prior to the last analysis
tz:retweeted Number of times the username had been retweeted by other people as indicated by the use of standard symbols
tz:retweeting The number of times the username had retweeted other people as indicated by their use of standard symbols
tz:referenced Number of times the username had been referenced or cited by other people in the seven days prior to the last analysis
tz:uniqueRetweeted Number of unique people the username retweeted in the seven days prior to the last analysis
tz:uniqueRetweeting Number of unique individuals the username wrote or responded directly to in the seven days prior to the last analysis
tz:uniqueReferenced Number of unique people who referenced the username in the seven days prior to the last analysis
tz:impact Impact score
tz:influence Influence score
tz:engagement Engagement score
tz:signal Signal score
tz:generosity Generosity score
tz:clout Clout score
tz:velocity Velocity score
tz:potentialReach Sums a user's follower count and the sum of followers for any user retweeting any of their Tweets during the previous seven days to estimate the total potential reach in Twitter at any given time
tz:effectiveReach Multiplies a user and each of their retweeting user's follower count by their calculated influence to determine a likely and realistic representation of any user's reach in Twitter at any given time
tz:retweetsPerThousand Retweets per 1,000 Followers normalizes the number of retweets of the user relative to their follower base
tz:referencesPerThousand References per 1,000 Followers normalizes the number of references to the user relative to their follower base
tz:retweetRatio Ratio between retweets of the user to retweets of others by the user
tz:referenceRatio Ratio between references of the user to references to others by the user
tz:klout K Score is a measure of the impact of opinions, links and recommendations across an individual's social graph
tz:piAuthority Measure of trust, which reflects the extent to which you can rely on someone's recommendation and opinions on a give topic
tz:piActivity A measure of how active you are in a given topic
tz:piAudience The number of people you can reach with your messages
tz:peerIndex PeerIndex score reflects the impact of your online activities, and the extent to which you have built up social and reputational capital on the web