Analytics Query Tool - Feed Generation

On the “Feeds” tab, you can generate data feeds which repurpose query results to different data consumers. This page explains the setting present on this tab.

Feed Type

The dropdown list is used to select the feed type. There are currently five feed type supported by the query tool:

  • Google Chart Tools - a datasource provider for the Google Visualization API
  • GeoRSS - a feed for Google Maps
  • KML 2D - a feed for Google Earth with circle radius to indicate metric value
  • KML 3D - a feed for Google Earth with 3D bars to indicate metric value

“Query cannot be changed” checkbox

If checked, then the feed URL will have a security hash to prevent the query part of the URL from being changed.

Google Charts Provider

The query is not part of the generated data source URL. Use this option when adding Google Charts to web pages and the query is specified separately from the provider.

Key Scope

Control which GA profiles can be queried by the generated key.

  • Unscoped - can query any profile your Google credential can access
  • Account - can query any profile below the account ancestor of the current query's profile
  • Web Property - can query any profile below the web property parent of the current query's profile
  • Profile - can only query the profile specified in the current query

Time limit

Control the time duration for which the feed will work.

  • Unlimited - The generated data source URL will never expire
  • Limit to - The generated data source URL will expire or stop working after the specified number of days